2022 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics and Advanced Control (PEAC 2022)

The 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics and Advanced Control (PEAC 2022) will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Power Electronics

Advanced Control

Power Electronics

Modeling and Simulation

Power Systems

Power supply and consumption technology

Grid Monitoring Technology

Hydroelectric Power Plants and Power Networks

Power conversion technology and applications

Power System Automation Technology

Motor drives and inverters

High Frequency Converters and Power Supplies

Passive components and sensors

Intelligent control and intelligent systems

Intelligent management and decision making

Distributed Control Systems

Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Systems

Drive motors and control technology

In-vehicle systems

Power Battery Management and Maintenance Technology

Roadside Equipment Systems

Vehicle Identification System

Robotics and Applications

Control Theory and Control Engineering

Control Science and Engineering